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Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to Put Google AdSense Ads Inside Blogger Posts (Wrapped in Text)

How to Put Google AdSense Ads Inside Blogger Posts (Wrapped in Text)

In this post I'm going to share you an AdSense trick which will allow
you to place AdSense ads inside your blog posts. Also, you can Place
your AdSense Ad in any part of your posts.Once Added you can place the
ads anywhere in the post (whether between Paragraphs, Middle of your
Content etc. etc.. Wherever you want). Cool.. Right?? So, Placing the
AdSense Code experimentally into your Blog/ website can make you Huge
Income. What you have to do is simply follow my steps carefully so
that you should not face any problem.
Before Making any changes to your Blog/Website, make sure to Backup
Your Blogger Template. Steps to Place AdSense Ads inside Blogger Posts

1.Go to Your Google AdSense account and choose the type of ad you want
inside your blog posts and Get the Code for the AdSense Unit.

2. Since the AdSense Code will be used to place in your blog templates
html; so your Ad Code must be Parsed. To do this, go gt a html encoder
or goo-gle it
and Paste your AdSense Code and Click on Convert. After That Select
all and Copy the Parsed Code.

3.Your AdSense Code is now Ready. Now we will Place the AdSense Code
to the Blog Template.

Go to Template –> Edit HTML –> Proceed. Tick the 'Expand Widget
Templates' Box.
Now Find the Following Piece Of code
[Tip: Use Ctrl+F]
<data:post.body/> REPLACE the Code i.e., <data:post. body/> with the
Following Code: <div expr:id='"aim1"+'></ div> <div
style="clear:both; margin:10px0">
PUTYOURPARSED ADSENSECODE HERE</div> <div expr:id='"aim2"+'> <data:post.body/> </div> <script type="text/
javascript"> varobj0=document. getElementById ("aim1<data:post.
id/>"); varobj1=document. getElementById ("aim2<data:post. id/>"); var
s=obj1.innerHTML; \x3C!--adsense-- \x3E/igm); if(r>0)
{obj0.innerHTML=s. substr(0,r);obj1. innerHTML=s.substr (r+16);}

Note: Some Templates may have more than one <data:post.body/> Code. In
this situation Replace all the <data:post.body/>
code with the above Code. Now, Replace PUT YOURPARSED ADSENSECODE HERE
above with your Parsed AdSense Code . Now Click 'Save Template' . In
Order To place the Ad in any part of your blog post, Simply place the
following piece of code in your post in the exact place you want the
Ad to appear: <!-- adsense -->
[Note: Place the above piece of code on the HTML of the Post.] So
if you place the <!-- adsense --> tag at the top of your post the ad
will appear there. Float The AdSense Unit And Wrap In Text If you want
to either float your AdSense unit on the left or right or wrap it in
text you can add another snippet of code.
The code will be placed above the <!-- adsense --> tag and closed
below. This is the code you will add, it is set to float on the left
wrapped in text with directions to change the position below: <div
style="float: left; margin- right: 5px;"> <!-- adsense --> </div>

Note - To float the Unit on the right change the red text to
float:right and margin-left. That's all for today.

1 comment:

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