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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Etisalat lastest tweak %100 workin

Etisalat lastest tweak %100 workin

This tweak is for all my naija fellas out der

to start with, you need to have one of this opera mini to do this
* opera 6.1 handler, 7 handler

*opera 4.2 beta or 4.2 labs

Of cuz an etisalat sim card
make use of the settings below:


Now open any of the opera mini leave evry other field blank and procide to the

Proxy type: choose http

Proxy server: mini5-1.opera-mini.net%3a@edge-star-ecmp-03-frc1.0.facebook.com

Thats all. Works even with a dim in your sim card . Enjoy it


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