Good day fellas today am going to talk about how to upgrade a strong decoder and how to restore a strong decoder thats death. When i say ''death'' i mean decoders that refused to turn on after upgrading the decoder this might be due to use of wrong or lower version of firmware on the decoder.
NOTE:you have to make sure you are using a genuine strong decoder before doing this, cuz you might end up killing your decoder if you are making use of a fake strong one.
The firmware [be sure of the firmware of your decoder. You can get this by checking the decoder. E.g srt4663XV, srt 4663XII e.t.c] you can download it from GUIDLINES
1. Click on the link and visit the site. You would see something like this
Click on the first box and select reciever, than in the second box select the reciever type . After that you download it and transfer the firmware into a flash drive.
2.Now insert the flash drive in the strong decoder usb slot and press the menu button.
3. Goto system>>>data transfer>>>firmware just wait for it to finish loading .... bravo you'av done it....
ADVICE: Make use of a generator when upgrading a decoder.
Now for does who during the process of upgrading their decoders killed it, hahaha they actually did the reverse .
GOOD NEWS>>> you can actually bring your decoder back to life.
1. A personal computer{pc}
2. A decoder that's some what like the death one
3. A rs-232 cable
The rs -232 cable is something like this
Basically they are two ways :
Restoring a death decoder using another decoder of same firmware
1. Get a decoder that tallys with yours
2. Get a rs-232 cable and insert the usb mouth in the new decoder ,while the other head is to be pluged at the back of the death decoder. Make sure you remove the death decoder from light.
3. Using the new decoder goto menu>>>system settings>>>data transfer>>>then click on the firmware. Wait for it to load... wow you did it.
Restore a death decoder using your pc< font>
1. Goto the aboove link and download the srt loader and the firmware to your pc
2. Lunch the srt loader >>> click on the browse button>>> locate your software and select
3. Connect your rs-232 cable to the decoder and pc. Now press auto detect, once your decoder is dictated. Once your decoder is dictated click on download and wait for the process to complete.
plz what is the decoder is fake, will it work after this process?
Hi, I have Strong SRT 4668X Decoder/ Satellite Receiver which suddenly will not turn on. How can I make it work again? Please help. Thank you
Pls I'm using strong 4922A how do I upgrade the channels
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