After several research i discovered that some blog Authors find it difficult to publish post via mobile must especially when you are making use of a java or a symbian phone. I realised that you can't view the administrators page using mobile opera mini,normal browser,i browser e.t.c you can only open your administrative page using ucweb but can't host your own images which would lead you uploading copy right products.
I would teach you how to host your files in the next tutorial for now am going to teach you how to publish a post via email.
2. Click on Settings
3. Click on mobile and email .
4. Click on posting via email.
5. You would get some thing like this
I.e the mail you use to open your blog plus a secret code you would use to send publish post to your blog . Note: Don't give these code to a third party, just so they won't use it against you.
Make your choice.
7. Now goto to Gmail and insert the send to field in the format below. Subject and the body of the post.
Note: don't insert html codes to beautify the post because they would end up not appearing as you want it. So if you want to add html codes you can edit the post later.
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